We had the BEST Christmas & New Year's Eve Party! We left our cold, snowy home on Dec. 23rd and traveled to San Diego, California to spend Christmas Day with Shamu. It was wonderful! We all loved it (and Trey wants to do it again next Christmas). We spent 8 glorious and WARM days in California and saw dolphins (in captivity and in the wild), beaches, relatives and many, many cool things (mammoth bones included). We sadly and gladly came home and while we were greeted by cold & snow, we were also greeted by awesome friends with whom we've rung the new year in for around 15 years now! We love our annual party!
So, I know I've run through this quickly (but I'm trying hard to fit everything into my real-world life that I need to - laundry is now done). TJay has done a fabulous job documenting our trip - with photos and everything. So, I now direct you to his blog (http://tjay-belt.blogspot.com) to see the details and photos. No sense in reinventing the wheel (especially when the wheel has been beautifully and painstakingly constructed).
Enjoy your weekend and have a healthy and happy 2010!
2 weeks ago