It is March, the end of March, and I know I shouldn't be suprised, but waking up to snow 3 of 4 mornings this week? Come on, I'm tired of snow. Not my boy though! He was thrilled, asked if he could go sledding (on 1/2" of snow? I don't think so). So he dressed in his winter clothes (I'm so happy he can do everything but tying his boots) and got his snow shovel so he could shovel the snow. I told him I didn't think there was anything on the driveway. He said, "that's ok, I will shovel the grass." :) There was a skiff (the official measurement) on the driveway so he shoveled, and was so cute, I took pictures. He smiled and said, "make sure you have chocolate (hot chocolate) when I come in, I will be cold." How cute is that boy??? Love him. I'm glad someone likes the snow!
2 months ago
Tell Treyson that he is just like his Obo. He HAS to keep the snow shoveled whenever there is even a thin skiff of snow. This morning, at 4:00 when we got ready to leave for the temple, I went out to the car, and there he was, shoveling out two track in our late night dusting of spring snow. Didn't you know that Utah and Idaho are famous for their spring snow, a gift from God to ensure proper moisture for our tulips and daffodils that we are trying to grow in this DESERT! Love ABA
My kids would pay money to be there in the snow too. But I told them not to feel too badly for themselves. They got to go swimming outside last week.
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