Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Mohawk Time

It was way past time to cut Treyson's hair and I was having a bit of fun. It was so long, and we had decided to shave it so short, that I decided to leave the center long for a few days. It was so fun to do (and a great suprise for TJay)! Treyson loves it. When he got out of the shower he wanted to "make my hair big again". When my Dad was 17 he got a mohawk when his mom sent him for a haircut. She was so mad. I probably would be too. But, it's cute on a five year old! :) Here are the pictures to prove it! ps. if anyone needs a "hawk" of their own, come on by.


Heffalumps and Woozles said...

Oh my cute. BTW, thanks for your sweet and wonderful comments on my blog (I just tried calling ya, but you didn't answer). I just appreciate you so much. Thanks for your support and being willing to laugh (cry) with me. Hugs.

Topsy said...

We wann a HAWK!

Megan said...