Sunday, December 20, 2009

Kylie has a sleep test

Kylie has always had crazy sleep habits. She talks, walks, screams, drools, rolls, etc. Sometimes all night long! She is having a hard time waking up in the morning as well as going to sleep at night. I took her to a sleep doctor and a sleep clinic overnighter followed. Ky had to be hooked up to soooo many wires. She was so hooked up that she slept better than she usually sleeps - she was too nervous about moving to move much. I didn't sleep well - and then the tech woke us up at 6 (yes, I grouched at him a little). We will find out in January what the results are, but for now, here are some funny pictures!


Topsy said...

Tell her that is one 'hot' picture of her. She should save it and cherish it always. It is almost like the day I puff painted my head gear flourescent pink. Beautiful photo!

Chelsey said...

Jordan has similar problems...maybe it's hereditary.