Friday, February 6, 2009



AFTER! Yes, it is true, my little girl is growing up, and part of that growing includes BRACES! Kylie was so excited to get braces! She had her rubber band colors all picked out - green & blue, her favorite! I took the day off, incase she didn't feel good, and we planned a shopping trip to the mall! We had the best time! It's been a long time since Ky & I have just hung out and shopped together. She got the cutest outfits and shoes! (and purse, and accessories - the girl can SHOP!). Kylie didn't realize how much braces hurt until she tried to eat some lunch. The next day she was in tears because it hurt so much. :( Well, we got ibuprofen and a lot of soup and made it through. Now she can eat just about anything, at least until the end of this month when they get tightened. She will get the bottom set in March. She looks beautiful with braces and so grown up! I love this girl!!


Megan said...

Look how straight her teeth were before braces! I am surprised she even needed them.
She is beautiful and very grown up! I am excited for when me and my Kiley can go shop and do girl stuff!!

Cleta said...

Remind Ky to take some Tylenol before she gets her braces tightened--because it will hurt even more each time they tighten them. I guess braces are a true sign of growing up. How tickled she was to get them, but how releived she will be in the future to have them off. And Ky, I will still want smiley photos of my biggest grand girl--with braces! Love ABA

Hulamum said...

Congrats Ky! I love the second will have to pay your mom back for that one!