Thursday, March 26, 2009

New Suit

This is one proud boy, who knows when he looks good!

We have a fabulous neighbor whose youngest son is a couple of years older than Trey. We served in YW for a few years together and she is so sweet to give me the clothes her son grows out of. I love it! Last week she brought some over including a suit. It is so cute. Treyson saw it and fell in love! He put the suit coat on and buttoned it (big thing we worked on in OT, you don't know how happy I am that he was able to button it!) and wouldn't take it off. He talked me into letting him wear it to school and it was his show & tell (this was on a warm day, not a snowy one). He told his friends for show and tell, "this is new that I wear to church". :) He was so proud! He didn't even take it off. When he got home, he ran over and showed our neighbors before he took it off to play. Obviously, church day was exciting. He got to wear his suit and asked everyone, "how do I look? do I look handsome?" He was BEAMING! He calls it his "jack suit" because the little boy who gave it to him is named Jaxon. He is so cute about it and loves wearing it. So we had to take pictures to document Treyson's 1st suit!
The girls wanted in on the action too! Alyssa is wearing her wedding dress from Dave & Robyn's wedding. Kylie is showing her fashion style! And Trey, just so proud of how handsome he is! :)


Cleta said...

Treyson, you are the most handsome Belt boy in all of Utah. In your new Jack suit, you look incredibly handsome. You are a handsome INCREDIBLE! Love OBO and ABA

Angie Stewart Black said...

Cute blog Christy! You'll have to check out mine as well. daronandangie.blogspot. You have cute kids! They grow so fast!

Topsy said...

He does look so handsome. I remember Big Guy's first suit! So dang cute!!!!! You have to get him to do a GQ pose, one hand out straight and one hand in his pocket. Go TREY!

Megan said...

That suit is too cute! I need to get one for Cayson...but where do you get litte suits for little guys???

Sabra Palmer said...

Such cute kids Christy!!