Monday, March 16, 2009

Hair today, gone tomorrow

Hair. I'm so bad at it. I don't know why I don't follow the family tradition and just shave my head (seen my dad & brother?) :) But, alas since the Prophet said no tatoos, my previous plan of shaving then tatooing my head is out. So, I got a perm. I have a funny story about perms. My cousin thought my hair was naturally curly, because I pretty much permed it my whole entire youth! :) My totally awesome hair stylist extrodanaire (I would probably say that even if she didn't read my blog & we weren't related) gave me a great perm. (no kidding, it is wavey & cute, just like I wanted it.) Then again, she always does a great job, even when I go to her (which is most of the time) and say, "I don't know what I want. Just do something." ya, no pressure there! But, she makes it work.

Kylie got her hair done also. Blonde highlights and bangs. She looks older (I wish people would stop telling me that - I want her to be younger, not older. Just because she gets older, doesn't mean that I do too. Just FYI). Anyway, Ky looks totally cute! And it just makes her smile to know how cute she is. (oh, to be 12 again). We went shopping for hair accessories, of course. We had a great time together!

And it is always fun to go to Gina's Salon, which the ambiance is much nicer thanks to Julie's Christmas gift! We had a great visit and I get to wash the stink from my hair tomorrow. I wonder if it still permeates Bobby's house. :)


Chelsey said...

Wow, great hair for the both of you. Much better than the bald look! Kylie does look older, but you...much younger.

Megan said...

I saw your hair at church and forgot to tell you how cute I think it is. I wondered if it was natural...CUTE! There is nothing better than getting your hair done, I love it too! Speaking of...I need to make an appt. : )

Topsy said...

Man for a second there I thought I'd gone back in time and looked in the mirror. Although I think Ky is cuter at twelve than I was! MAN! She is growing up. Sorry girl, but its the truth!

Cleta said...

Congrats on the curls and blonde streaks. I'd say that they make both of you look older, but I'm afraid Christy would disown me. So the blonde streaks go for older, but curly hairdos make for younger. Hey, I got my perm just before Christmas. Christy, we both look younger!! Well, you do!