Friday, November 7, 2008

Election Blues

Well, it's sad but true, Sarah Palin won't be in the white house (I pretended it was her running). Now we have 4 years of Obama. I keep hearing, give him a chance, he may turn more centrist than far left. Pelosi & Reid may not run away with a huge liberal agenda. So, I will wait and see. I will support President Obama until he proves that liberal socialism is what his true identity is. I hope the Democratic rulers will right the economy, better public education and save social security. I also hope they'll take care of the oil crisis and stay in Iraq until it's safe for us to leave - and not have to go back later to finish the job. I hope Obama finds Osama (that's just fun to say) and the major test will be handled better than Biden seems to think it will be. I wonder if Obama will find as he sits in the Oval Office that it's not as cut and dried as he thinks it will be. I hope he doesn't bankrupt coal companies and cause more job loss. So I will pray for my country, for my leaders, and hope for the best.

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